Networking is about connecting with and developing mutually beneficial relationships with people you respect, especially those with similar values to yours. It is the most productive way to get a lead for a job that is right for you. When I was at Heidrick & Struggles, 70% of our placements came from referrals. Chrysalis is a nonprofit in Los Angeles that helps homeless people find jobs. Even at this level, 60% of those who got a job heard about it from someone else. Perhaps without even realizing it, people were networking for career change.
Develop your network for career change in two steps.
In Career Change Guide, there is a lot more detail about developing your network for career change. Here are a couple of the most important points.
How to organize yourself before you begin networking for career change:
1) Create a List of Contacts
Develop a list of sources to help you find job opportunities. Think of people you know, even slightly and write down the names of anyone you think might be helpful. Include people who you think could refer you to others who could give you leads.
Make several lists. For example: a work list, a strategic list, and a personal list. These lists will help you begin networking for career change.
2) Set Priorities
Once you have identified people in all three categories, prioritize your list in a way that makes the most sense to you. This is your network for career change. You may start with people with whom you would feel most comfortable approaching.
This is a brief overview of a few of the main ideas to help you start networking for career change. Read Career Change Guide to get more ideas.
Keep reading my blog for more career change tips from my book, Career Change Guide. Buy Career Change Guide on Amazon for yourself or someone you know. And check out this website for free career change resources, career change videos, and a career change resume template.