What does your resume show about you as a whole person? The Other section of a resume can help you stand out.
The Other Section of your resume provides an opportunity for you to show who you are beyond work. Many employers will look at this section to get a sense of the breadth and depth of your interests and perhaps your values.
This section should include one’s interests, activities, and involvements. Leadership positions and accomplishment say a lot about the person. Community involvement reveals one’s values and gives a broader sense of the person. Being married with children shows personal responsibility and stability. A well-done Other Section can add a lot, but it needs to be brief.
These ideas are from the book I wrote, CAREER CHANGE GUIDE, to help you find your own way.
To help you update your resume, including your Other section to better show your whole self, here is a career change resume template I made.
To learn more, review this website.
Watch a recent YouTube interview where I talk about resumes for career change for more ideas about making a career change.